• Growing

    an overflowing of our Sunday services and everyone being in homegroups, doubled in width and depth.

  • radiating

    for everyone no matter their age, stage or social background in the villages to have experienced the tangible love of God through Christians in our church. 

  • transforming

    Christians to be full of the abundant love of Christ, ready to share their faith and stories of God’s goodness with all that they encounter.

Our Beliefs:

Jesus Christ meets our greatest need: We believe that our greatest need is not health or success, but to know the God who made us. We are made in God's image, yet we often fail to love God and our neighbour as we should, and in this sense we do not deserve eternal life. Yet Christ died for us so that we could be forgiven and know God, both now and for ever. We receive God's love not through our own efforts but by trusting in the Lord Jesus who died for us. Our passion as a church is to reach out with this good news to our parish and beyond. 

God has made himself known: We believe that God has made himself known clearly and powerfully through the Bible. As the Bible is taught, the Holy Spirit brings us to know Christ and to share his love with others. The Scriptures are therefore at the heart of our churches' life.  

We are an Anglican church: We welcome Christians of any flavour! However we are committed to the teaching of the Church of England, as outlined in the 39 Articles of Religion. We are a church within the Diocese of Chichester are also active members of the Sussex Gospel Partnership. A summary of the message at the heart of Christianity can be found on the Two Ways to Live website. 

Our Mission:

Jesus taught us to go and make disciples of all nations,
to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbour as ourself. Our mission is therefore:  

 'To know and share the love of Christ'